Cecil Here is the information you need if you want to call some Eiffel features from C code. To call C functions/macros from Eiffel see the documentation about [1]externals (man/external in the distribution). In order to call some Eiffel feature from C, you must use the -cecil option with command compile or compile_to_c. The allows you to give the list of features you want to call from C. The corresponding stub routines will be automatically generated by SmallEiffel. When the -cecil option is used, command compile_to_c also produces an additional C heading file which includes the needed C prototypes. Your must contain at least two lines. The first line is the name of the C heading file to produce (it may be useful if you need to create a C library). Other lines have the following structure: The is the name of the C function defined by compile_to_c to wrap the Eiffel call. The couple gives the complete name of the Eiffel feature to call. For example: IsEiffelStringEmpty STRING empty STRINGitem STRING item strgrtr STRING infix ">" array_of_int_count ARRAY[INTEGER] count X_f X f Keep in mind that the must be really live: if is ARRAY[INTEGER] for example, your Eiffel program is supposed to create at least one ARRAY[INTEGER]. The name of the feature to call, may even be an infix or a prefix feature name. The syntax is the same as the one used in Eiffel source. Since attributes are features, if is of course possible to access them with this mechanism. A call to X_f in the C code is equivalent to a call to x.f in Eiffel, with x of type X or any descendant of X. Indeed,X_f takes care of late binding. This means that X_f can be called on any (Current) argument of type X or heir of X. As is parsed by the SmallEiffel parser, it may contain Eiffel comments. Here is one example of a Cecil file (others can be found in directories SmallEiffel/lib_show/cecil/example*): -- The name of the include C file : eiffel.h -- The features you want to call from C : array_of_animal_item ARRAY[ANIMAL] item array_of_animal_lower ARRAY[ANIMAL] lower array_of_animal_upper ARRAY[ANIMAL] upper cry ANIMAL cry string_to_external STRING to_external People who tinker with the C code generated by SmallEiffel, not limiting themselves to the Cecil and/or external interfaces, should also read [2]this page about the C code generated by SmallEiffel. Otherwise they might get into trouble. [Line] Copyright © Dominique COLNET and Suzanne COLLIN - [3] Last update: 05 July 1999, by OZ. References 1. file://localhost/home/colnet/SmallEiffel/man/man/external.html 2. file://localhost/home/colnet/SmallEiffel/man/man/c_code.html 3. mailto:colnet@loria.fr